IIJS 2013 Show Special

© Copyright 2013 CoolToolz

IIJS 2013 JettSett Comml Sample

We inspired visitors in Jaipur with the possibilities of the Jett Sett Basictm material. Now, Mumbaikars, it’s your turn!

See us in Stall AL5EX036 II, Hall 5, Allied section, get inspired yourself!

Many of our visitors took that inspiration home, in the form of a special 50 gram commercial sample, including step-by-step instructions and our contact information. They are now trying it out and thinking about the bigger plans for it. Some have already contacted Nagesh, 99000 44332, to place their orders, and some have inquired about pretty large orders!

Jett Sett Basictm pebbles soften in hot water and then can be re-formed any way you want before it hardens. If you want to re-form it, just put it back in hot water, soften and reform until perfection!

Come to the Stall to see some examples and try it for yourself, it’s an excellent tool that can replace the mess and smell and hassle of shellac in many many applications.